The religious
and political influence of Latino evangelicals has been the subject of some
media coverage. But practically nothing has been written about their impact on
the overall Hispanic market. Estimates vary wildly but the figure of eight
million Latino evangelicals is routinely bandied about. Even if that number is
inflated, Latino evangelicals represent a largely untapped market. (It is worth noting
that Univision now has a Christian music section on its website).
sweeping studies such as the Latino Intelligence Report youth study do not
include a single question about religion. Aside from Barna Research Group, Christian Hispanic
market research seems largely nonexistent. (Please correct me if I am wrong and
email evidence to the contrary.)
To give you
a sense of the paucity of information about Christian Latino marketing just
look up those three terms in google. A brief piece I wrote for Marketing y Medios
is at the top of the list. Now, the article is fine but cannot possibly be the
definitive word on the topic unless practically no one in mainstream Hispanic
marketing is talking about it (specialized trades such as Christian Retailing
routinely cover the topic).
Even if
brand marketers have yet to focus on this segment, Latino evangelicals have
drawn notice from the White House. President Bush makes a point of attending
the National Hispanic Prayer Breakfast and at the last one, according to the
official transcript, he said "Que dios les bendiga."
PPS The faithful might want to make sure they link directly to the Christian music section when they visit Univision's website. Otherwise, they might chance upon "Pornovideos delatores: Un video porno de la Guzmán podría verse por Internet."