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rosetta stone review

Hi im a latino named juan morales..and i work at a recruiting firm in texas, and i have tons of english only speaking clients. i need to know which audio spanish lessons buy it now are better. rosetta stone or rocket spanish. the reason i ask is because rocket spanish is about $300 bucks cheaper than rosetta?? plz help

spanish lessons online

well i will have to go with rocket spanish because its cheaper and it gives you the same thing as rosetta stone!!!!

learn spanish review

but i guess you can argue that rosetta is decent it is the one that is used the most but i think you just paying for a name and not actual learning materials.


You can get a bunch of good programs much cheaper ont he internet. Sure Rosetta may be very good but check out the courses at www.InglesParaLatinos.com/SpanishCoruses.htm


that recommendationshould have been (obviously! duh!)

Television Digital

my vote goes for rocket spanish. ;)

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